The default exception serializer.
Handles the serialization and deserialization of exceptions.
A path param serializer is responsible for serializing and deserializing parameters that are extracted from and formatted into paths.
A path param serializer is responsible for serializing and deserializing parameters that are extracted from and formatted into paths.
When used in URLs, a path param serializer is used both for path segments as well as query string parameters. It is expected that the serializer will consume and return singleton sequences for path segments, but may return 0 to many values for query string parameters.
A serialized exception message.
A serialized exception message.
A serialized exception message consists of a transport error code, a protocol, and a message body. All, some or none of these details may be sent over the wire when the error is sent, depending on what the underlying protocol supports.
Some protocols have a maximum limit on the amount of data that can be sent with an error message, eg for WebSockets, the WebSocket close frame can have a maximum payload of 125 bytes. While it's up to the transport implementation itself to enforce this limit and gracefully handle when the message exceeds this, exception serializers should be aware of this when producing exception messages.
A streamed message serializer, for streams of messages.
A strict message serializer, for messages that fit and are worked with strictly in memory.
A strict message serializer, for messages that fit and are worked with strictly in memory.
Strict message serializers differ from streamed serializers, in that they work directly with ByteString
, rather
than an Akka streams Source
The default exception serializer.
Serializes exception messages to JSON.
This serializer is capable of converting Lagom built-in exceptions to and from JSON. Custom sub classes of TransportException can also be deserialized by extending this class and overriding fromCodeAndMessage().