Service Locator and Service Gateway

§Service Locator

A Service Locator is embedded in Lagom’s development environment, allowing services to discover and communicate with each others. There are a number of settings and tasks available to tune the embedded Service Locator to your liking, let’s explore them:

§Default address

By default, the service locator binds to localhost, but it is possible to use a different host by adding the following to your build.

In the Maven root project pom:


In sbt:

ThisBuild / lagomServiceLocatorAddress := ""

§Default port

By default, the service locator runs on port 9008, but it is possible to use a different port. For instance, you can tell the service locator to run on port 10000 by adding the following to your build.

In the Maven root project pom:


In sbt:

ThisBuild / lagomServiceLocatorPort := 10000

§Communicating with external services

It is possible to enable communication between the Lagom services defined in your build, and an unbounded number of external services (which could either be running locally or on a different machine). The first thing you will have to do is to register each external service in the Service Locator. Assume we want to register an external service named weather that is running on http://localhost:3333, here is what we would add to the build.

In the Maven root project pom:


In sbt:

ThisBuild / lagomUnmanagedServices := Map("weather" -> "http://localhost:3333")

The above ensures that the Service Locator knows about the weather service. Then, if you need a Lagom service to communicate with it, simply @Inject the ServiceLocator and use it to either locate the weather service’s URI, or perform some arbitrary work with it.

§Integrating with external Lagom projects

Note that if the service you want to communicate with is actually a Lagom service, you may want to read the documentation for integrating with an external Lagom projects.

§Service Gateway

Some clients that want to connect to your services will not have access to your Service Locator. External clients need a stable address to communicate to and here’s where the Service Gateway comes in. The Service Gateway will expose and reverse proxy all public endpoints registered by your services. A Service Gateway is embedded in Lagom’s development environment, allowing clients from the outside (e.g. a browser) to connect to your Lagom services.

§Default address

By default the Service Gateway binds to localhost. It is possible to change that address by adding this to your build.


§Default port

By default the Service Gateway is listening for connections on port 9000. It is possible to change that port by adding this to your build.

In the Maven root project pom:


In sbt:

ThisBuild / lagomServiceGatewayPort := 9010

§Default gateway implementation

The Lagom development environment provides an implementation of a Service Gateway based on Akka HTTP and the (now legacy) implementation based on Netty.

You may opt in to use the old netty implementation.

In the Maven root project pom:


In sbt:

// Implementation of the service gateway: "akka-http" (default) or "netty"
ThisBuild / lagomServiceGatewayImpl := "netty"

§Start and stop

The Service Locator and the Service Gateway are automatically started when executing the runAll task. However, there are times when you might want to manually start only a few services, and hence you won’t use the runAll task. In this case, you can manually start the Service Locator and Service Gateway pair via the lagom:startServiceLocator Maven task or the lagomServiceLocatorStart sbt task, and stopping it with the lagom:stopServiceLocator Maven task or the lagomServiceLocatorStop sbt task.

§Disable it

You can disable the embedded Service Locator and Service Gateway by adding the following in your build.

In the Maven root project pom:


In sbt:

ThisBuild / lagomServiceLocatorEnabled := false

Be aware that by disabling the Service Locator your services will not be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, you will have to provide an implementation of ServiceLocator in your service. You will also be unable to access to your services via the Service Gateway running on http://localhost:9000 (by default). Instead, you will need to access each service directly on its own port. Each service port is logged to the console when starting in development mode, for example:

[info] Service hello-impl listening for HTTP on localhost:57797

For more information, see How are Lagom services configured in development?.

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